Monday, January 21, 2013

No Job description = No Management or Accountability for GALs and PCs

The “Judiciary” has created a class of person that has no job description and these people work as court officers with no accountability, management or direction. They make life altering decisions and often play God with your life and that of your child. If they make a mistake – the courts say they are protected by “quasi” immunity and for all purposes - untouchable. 

They are Guardians ad litem (GAL) and Parental Coordinators (PC).

With no job description it is impossible to say what a PC or GAL is supposed to do and if they are doing something they should not. Mission creep has set in so that now a GAL or PC can 'recommend' therapy and do so with no reason, end point or methodology. All of this from just 16 hours of training.  You resist and the courts will coerce you into taking this therapy under threat of jail time or loss of custody. Or a GAL or PC may not report neglect or abuse when common sense dictates that they should report to DHHS. With no job description – you – as a parent have no recourse on this persons job performance – how do you prove they are wrong? You can't. As a result any complaint against a GAL or PC will go nowhere. That is why in five years not one GAL or PC has been removed or reprimanded in the course of doing their 'job' when a consumer has lodged a complaint. This despite mounting evidence that would suggest otherwise – that job performance is lacking.

A job description is a foundation upon which a job can be built upon. No foundation or one that is not solid and the structure of that job will be weak and rotten (like what we have currently). We urge those in state government to look at creating a job description for Guardians ad litem and Parental Coordinators. This is a no cost method of providing oversight and accountability to a 'profession' that has none. Let our representatives know how you have been affected by this lack of a job description – write, call or email them with your story. Or email and we will forward your story on to those who should be concerned.

In Maine your Representatives are:

Judiciary Committee List:

Linda M. Valentino    D York County P. O. Box 1049 Saco ME 04072 (207) 282-5227
John L. Tuttle Jr.    D York County 176 Cottage Street Sanford ME 04073 (207) 324-5964
David C. Burns        R Washington County 159 Dodge Road Whiting ME 04691 (207) 733-8856
Charles R. Priest    D Brunswick 9 Bowker Street Brunswick ME 04011 (207) 725-5439
Kimberly J. Monaghan-Derrig    D Cape Elizabeth 6 Russet Lane Cape Elizabeth ME 04107 (207) 749-9443
Jennifer  DeChant    D Bath 1008 Middle Street Bath ME 04530 (207) 442-8486
Matthew W. Moonen    D Portland 17 Pine Street #2 Portland ME 04102 (207) 332-7823
Stephen W. Moriarty    D Cumberland 34 Blanchard Road Cumberland ME 04021 (207) 829-5095
Lisa Renee Villa    D Harrison P. O. Box 427 Harrison ME 04040 (207) 776-3118
Jarrod S. Crockett    R Bethel P. O. Box 701 Bethel ME 04217 (207) 875-5075
Michael G. Beaulieu    R Auburn 27 Sherman Avenue Auburn ME 04210 (207) 784-0036
Anita  Peavey Haskell    R Milford 17 Pine Street Milford ME 04461 (207) 827-7296
Stacey K. Guerin    R Glenburn 79 Phillips Road Glenburn ME 04401 (207) 884-7118
Wayne T. Mitchell    D Penobscot Nation 14 Oak Hill Street, Penobscot Nation Indian Island ME 04468 (207) 827-0392   

Contact the Governors Office:

Governor Paul LePage 

Office of the Governor
#1 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0001

Friday, January 18, 2013

Appeals court upholds lower decision on harassment case

Brainerd Dispatch

When a man wanted to withdraw his guilty plea in district court, saying he was coerced into it, the Minnesota Court of Appeals looked at his case.

After a review, the appeals court affirmed the Crow Wing County District Court’s decision.
Gerald Villella Jr. entered an Alford guilty plea to two counts of harassing another with intent to influence or tamper with a judicial proceeding. Villella challenged the district court’s denial of his post-conviction petition to withdraw his plea, arguing his plea was neither accurate nor voluntary.

In April 2010, the state charged Villella with the harassment counts. The charges arose out of Villella’s actions against a district court judge and the guardian ad litem assigned to his child-custody case.

Full story:  Brainerd Dispatch


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mo. court to appoint lawyer for Belcher baby

Yahoo! News

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) — A Missouri court will appoint a lawyer to protect the interests of the 4-month-old daughter of the late Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher as her grandparents argue over custody.

Belcher fatally shot the child's mother, Kasandra Perkins, on Dec. 1 in their Kansas City home, then drove to Arrowhead Stadium and killed himself in front of coaches and the team's general manager. Belcher's mother, Cheryl Shepherd, had been living with the couple for about two weeks and was in the home when her son killed Perkins.

Shepherd received temporary custody of Belcher's daughter, Zoey, soon after the shootings and filed a petition in mid-December asking to be appointed as Zoey's guardian and conservator of her estate, which could be worth millions of dollars.

Full story: Yahoo! News

Friday, January 11, 2013

GALs Support the Abuse of Our Children – Ka Ching it is all about the Money

Not your child's best interest

In any custody case where a Guardian ad litem of Parental Coordinator is involved they are supposed to report to DHHS (In Maine) if a “child has been or is likely to be abused or neglected, must make an immediate report to the Department of Human Services.” as stated in the Guardian ad litem Standards and Rules on the Maine Judiciary web site (look for 6.1 Mandated Reporting).

The reality of the situation that we have been made aware of is that Guardians ad litem rarely report abuse or neglect. How could this happen? Guardians ad litem are supposed to have the child's best interest at hand. Or is it maybe that Guardians ad litem have their own best interest. By reporting to DHHS such things as -

a child that was burned by a cigarette.
a child that went to bars late at night.
a child that was better off with a sex offender.
a child that was better off with a parent that had drug issues.

Ka ching – the cash register stops for the Guardian ad litem. The Guardian ad litem also ends up playing a marginalized and insignificant role in the childs life and the custody battle. The Guardian ad litem gives up control. People with any shred of common sense would question how a child burned by a cigarette is not considered abuse. Or that by placing a child with a known sex offender is safe and not a recipe for trouble. Yet when we are talking about these 'professionals' in the court system we look the other way. We are in a sense giving our approval for this continued abuse perpetuated by our courts and the divorce industry. Ka ching – it is about the money and not about your child.

Maine has received the grade of ( F ) by First Star three reports in a row. Maine is criticized by the Center for Judicial Excellence for the issues within the system. Chief Justice Saufley in March of 2012 indicated that there were problems with GALs in the state. OPEGA in 2006 outlined problems with the system. The courts reiterated this finding in 2008. Yet the divorce industry has been satisfied with the status quo. “Make them pay” was the quote of one well established divorce lawyer during one of the committee meetings on GAL reform. Who really has the best interest of the child in any divorce? A stranger whose incentive is how many billable hours they can get out? Or the families that are thrown into a pit of insanity that we call Justice? You be the judge ka ching.

If your child(ren) have been abused by the system you are not alone. We are a growing grassroots organization that is fighting for reform please contact us at or like us on Facebook for up to date information.

If you want to let your Senator or Representative know what your thoughts are on the current broke system that the divorce industry and courts maintain contact us for their information.

Attorney Appointed to Represent Lang Daughters

(Memphis) News Channel 3 has learned a probate judge has appointed a Guardian Ad Litem for the four daughters of fallen officer Martoiya Lang.

Attorney Flordia Henderson will have responsibility of representing the children’s interests and report back to the court.

Full story: WREG Memphis

Lawyer appointed for children in abuse case

MIDDLETOWN - A Middlefield couple accused of abusing their adopted children appeared in court on Thursday and will have a lawyer represent the kids.

Tamara Gable, 48, and Peter Gable, 49, 41 Louis Ave., Middlefield, are both charged with three counts of risk of injury to a minor and three counts of third-degree assault in connection with allegations that date back to September 2007. Each has been released on $75,000 bail. Attorney Hope Seeley represents Peter Gable and Attorney John Keefe represents Tamara Gable.

In court on Thursday, a guardian ad litem was appointed for the children. The guardian ad litem is an attorney who will represent the best interests of the children during the proceedings. Neither Gable objected to this position being appointed. The cases were continued until Jan. 30.

Full story: The Middletown Press