Sunday, May 12, 2013

In Utah a Grandmother fights for the best interest of her grandson

In Utah there is a young boy whose Grandmother is fighting for his life. This child was taken by the state on June 14th 2010 because the mother had made poor choices in her life. The grandmother of the boy tried to figure out how she could take custody of this boy - she could not afford an attorney. This Grandmother had been raising this boy from birth along with his brother - she had an emotional, physical and financial connection to these brothers.

In 2011 after having focused on the lives of her grandsons she was confronted with a court hearing in February. It was at this time the Judge first brought up the idea of adoption  of one of the brothers. A therapist was ordered to research the matter of whether or not it would be in the best interest of the boy to be separated. The therapist Rachael Jones spoke with everyone that was involved with the boys life at the time. In April 2011 the foster parents who were attempting to adopt the child backed out. There was a new family that was interested in adoption. The grandmother now was only seeing her grandson twice a month for three hours of unsupervised visits. The therapist indicated that it would not be in the best interest of this boy to be adopted and should stay with the family at the court hearing.

The Judge stopped the therapist before she could finish and indicated that the child was going to be adopted. The grandmother in shock because of what she had just heard timidly raised her hand to ask the Judge if she could speak. The Judge barked to her saying "If you think you can change my mind - you are not...... but go ahead." The grandmother pleaded with the judge and the judge thanked the grandmother - the judge then turned her attention to the new foster parents who had only been with the child for less than three weeks and asked if they wanted to adopt. They said yes. In December 2011 there was a finalized adoption hearing.

The grandmother fought the system, the judge and the Guardian ad litem that became involved. Last November the grandmother was told by the courts that it was final - the boy stays with his new foster parents. On May 7, 2013 this grandmother is being given a second chance to bring her grandson back into his family and to be with his brother. Please follow this link for the appeal and follow the trials of this child and grandmother on Facebook.

STATE OF UTAH, in the interest of C.C. and K.H., to read about the appeal.

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