Friday, May 3, 2013

AU Professor Dr. Lori Handrahan Fired Without Due Diligence, Vindicated by New Evidence

This is an interesting article. International Development Professor Dr. Lori Handrahan has been in the news quite a lot. We have been famililar with her due to the custody battle that she has been going through in Maine. While the first part of the article deals with the dismissal from American University it does touch on the issues Dr. Handrahan has been dealing with in Maine. Look for the heading "Maine Family-Lawyer Stands on Side of Abuse".

Full Story: the EXTRA AU


  1. << Ombudsman review into case,5&rlz=1Y1XIUG_enIE516IE516 <<<< Lori ordered to pay 350k to her child for emotional distress and 400k to her ex for defamation ..... <<< her child tells DHS "Mommy lies"

    1. Actually this article by hacker group Anonymous contains links to polygraph results, , family federal and supreme court & dhs rulings

      Lori Handrahan is a liar. ..A risk to her daughter amd has been DiAGNOSED with NPD.

      That AU Extra BS article -- She wrote that herself.

    2. Hi Sarah - aside from what you have posted how do you know whether Dr. Lori Handrahan is mis-representing the information as posted in this article. In addition is it really a big deal if she wrote the article herself or if it were written by someone else. It seems that regardless there is a story here and one where there has been some wrong and harm to a parent(s). What would you do if you were in the same situation as Dr. Handrahan?

    3. Well, I'm not Sarah Tyrrell ~ But I imagine in answering your question with HONESTY she would probably say: "Hang on, I need to check my authorities on this, let me get my SCREW THE BITCH BIBLE and see what it says".

      She is female counterpart to EXTREME FATHER'S RIGHTS MOVEMENT and advances their agenda in social media, especially in cases where, through a process of legal fraud, end outcomes of the court were obtained.

      Additionally, her work in social media (@twitteroooo on Twitter) essentially represents an extension of domestic violence and abuse via use of 3rd parties to retraumatize DVA victims who have lost custody of their children to documented child abusers.

      Hang on --- Sarah is still checking her bible. I'm sure she will be responding soon.

    4. I would not abuse & coach my child simply put.

      Read before you jump on her crazytrain.I mean reeeeeeeeally read it.

    5. Apparently Jane thinks speaking out against 2 false accusers/, child abusers who exploit their non custodial children all over the web is being part of a fathers movement. No Jane, I'm part of an anti child abuse movement. You loon. Sorry I didn't reply quick enough for you Jane, but you see..I have a life..You should get one..Offline that is.

  2. Saving Mila Face Book

  3. Get info from Twitter #SaveMila @SavingMila

  4. This Mother and child are being FAILED!
    All Doc's of Mila's abuse - Yet abuser STILL to hide Mila away!
